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Advocating for families and communities.
Serving in all 50 states and abroad, Impact Legal Group PLLC works to keep you and your family united. Our firm specializes in all family and defensive Immigration matters.
Whether you’re in removal proceedings, seeking adjustment of status, or trying to bring a family member to the United States, Impact Legal Group is here to help you from the beginning to the end of your process. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every case and customize our support to your individual needs and concerns.
Contact or visit us at
1368 Old Bridge Road Suite 101 Woodbridge, VA 22192 Tel: (703) 936-2529 or
708 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 Tel: (540) 370 7095
Areas of Practice
We specialize in representing you in all immigration matters before the Immigration courts, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and USCIS. Our representation includes Asylum, Removal Defense, Citizenship, Green Card, and all Waivers. Immigration law is ever changing and evolving, but our attorneys are here at the nation’s forefront and are on top of the changing trends. With this ever-changing landscape , you need attorneys who are able to handle the most complex cases.
Family Law
We want to help protect your rights whether you are getting married or seeking divorce and custody of your children. Our attorneys are also specialized in helping with custody in connection with seeking Special Immigration Juvenile Status (SIJS). We currently represent family law matters in Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Criminal Law
Whether you have mistakes in your past or are currently facing the legal system, our attorneys are here to help you with your minor criminal violations including traffic, DUI, and misdemeanor possession cases. We can also help you navigate what this means for your immigration case and represent you at your hearings.
Meet Our Attorneys.
Like you, our attorneys have real testimonials that inspired them to impact the lives of hardworking families and communities.
Kossi A. Siwotso, Esq. Legal Strategist
“A refugee is someone who survived and who can create the future.”
– Amela Koluder
Get in Touch
Whether your journey has been long or just beginning, we are here to help you. You do not have to take the next step alone! Contact us to schedule a consultation and get support.